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Victoria Park Christian School is a Christ Centred school community that strives to equip our students with an excellent education through a Christian world view.  We want our children to experience God's love through their academic education and social interaction with their peers and teachers.


We believe that God's nature provides children with an opportunity to experience school life in a unique and inspiring way and nature is incorporated throughout our school with outdoor classrooms and nature play spaces. 


Our small school community allows the students and teachers to be closely connected.  This is an intentional and important aspect of our student leadership program which focuses on caring and supporting younger children, while fostering relationships between children of all ages.


Our Values program supports children to see love and respect for each other as integral to their interaction with others.  Our strong multi-cultural community is valued and celebrated.  Weekly Chapel services are a celebration of what we value and an opportunity for children to share their talents in arts and display their learning to the greater school community.


Victoria Park Christian School offers co-educational classes from Pre-Kindy to Year 6, with the option of continuing through to Year 12 at Carmel Adventist College.

We welcome families of all cultural and religious backgrounds who wish to study and learn within an affordable and positive Christian environment.

Victoria Park Christian School is part of a large education system, Adventist Schools Australia for more information visit

Victoria Park Christian School

27 Colombo Street Victoria Park

WA 6100 Australia

P (08) 9362 2626

E  [email protected]

CRICOS Provider No:  01850E

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